Seek Embroidery Digitizing Help From USA’s Experts


A keen focus is given to transform client’s brief into easy to grasp designs for embroidery machines. Logos, artworks, texts, photos, or any kind of image can be processed to make it embroidery-friendly. The team of creative artists working with us is competent enough to customize digitizing embroidery designs as per the requirements of the buyer. You can enjoy unmatched quality, for any kind of artwork. The compatible staff would handle any type of brief, ensuring you are satisfied with the outcomes. 

Our digitizing company makes full use of the advanced software, and highly trained embroidery digitizers to hand craft each creation. We have partnered with highly experienced, and capable embroidery digitizers who are proficient enough to produce excellent quality work, in minimum possible timeframe. Every crafted patch is passed through the design studio, assuring it checks all the boxes of being a premium quality product. This significantly reduces the product cost for our clients, and they get optimized value against their money.

The reason audience is never hesitant to pick us, among the masses of digitizing embroidery agencies is our urge to implement latest techniques to orders prepared here. Highest standards are applied while offering embroidery services. The team maintains the stich counts, and works their best minimize the thread break in every patch. Our help with embroidery digitizing is presented to the audience, with a mission to provide next level designs having intricate details, which will make your audience dazzle and droll.


Artistic Creations of Our Embroidery Digitizing Creators

Have a look at the previous orders of embroidery digitizing delivered by us. Scan the samples, and put a seal to your search of “embroidery digitizing experts near me”. The work featured below was created for our honorable clients – you might be the next one!

Why Custom Patchess is The Best Embroidery Digitizing Company in USA

We possess bi-fold attributes, which have earned us greatest reputation among all digitizing websites across America, New York and other cities. Firstly, throughout the journey of 10 years, our experts have gained a wealth of experience, and knowledge that allows us to offer our buyers top-notch digitizing services for embroidery. Besides the services, our clients find our consultation very personal, informative, and friendly too. You may seek expert advice before hiring us.

Secondly, the professionals here have been schooled, and the outcomes they breed syncs with highest standards possible. No auto punch digitalizing software are used, because we pride offering unrivaled quality and it is not compromised, by any means. This strategy of working keeps out path clearer towards smooth and efficient operations, ensuring the product costs are minimized to least. Our emphasize on quality has helped us to meet new heights of success and rule the marketplace.


Economical Embroidery Digitizing – Prices You Dreamt Of!


Hiring quality oriented embroidery digitizing services have been a fantasy for many businesses! By shaking hands with us, you can obtain quality assistance, without spending extravagantly. The core purpose of our existence is to provide outstanding service and support to our customers. And amidst of this, earning bucks isn’t our priority. Happy clients itself are the biggest assets, and we believe, our agency have managed to earn a sky-roaring number of satisfied clients. The cheap prices makes sure no business is deprived of seeking quality embroidery digitizing assistance. Have a look at the pricing page, and buy embroidery digitizing patches today!

However, cheap prices are often muddled up with low quality, which is not the case here. The reason of keeping prices low have been identified above. Our standards have set the highest benchmark in the marketplace, and they are never negotiated while minimizing prices. To further put icing on the cake, several discounts loyalty codes, and referral programs are offered. To ease the experience of the clients, several payment channels are offered ensuring payments can be received from any corner of the globe. In case you don’t see you preferred payment channel, get in touch with customer support, and a midway will be figured out for you.

Hire USA’s Digitizing Makers With 10+ Years of Experience

Experts have been taken on board, holding 10+ years of experience in the field, and they are competent of delivering finest pieces of creations. They have been further schooled to keep them in line with modern-day trends and software. The dedicated team of designers works by understanding the customized requirements of the buyers, and further embrace comparative individual strategy to assure tremendous outcomes. They familiar themselves with the buyer’s visualization, and ideas, and further transform them into an enticing design. Be it any type of design, complex – or simple, the team would surely turn it into a head-turning design.

Besides flaunting our designer team, we boast our production and quality assurance team too! The production department make sure that the design is perfectly translated into an embroidered patch, without any flaws. Meanwhile, quality assurance keeps a strict eye on the making of the patches, and ensures that the produced cotton badge, is a pure reflection of client’s requirement. Each of the department plays their role in making operations smoother, resulting in on-time delivery. On the grounds of systematic working approach, Custom Patchess promises perfection, and excellence in all orders. Our utmost purpose is providing best experience, and that is achieve by all means.

The Process behind Crafting Digitized Embroidered Patches


To ensure clients are extremely satisfied with the service, an organized methodology is adopted. The process begins by partnering with the client. Once the brief is received, the experts get in touch with the client to convey the ideas and be sure that both parties are on the same page. The designer team turns ideas into designs and they are sent to the client to seek green signal. Client can request free amendments until the design reflects what they have been expecting. After finalizing the design, it is passed on to the production team, and they turn design into your dream embroidered patch.

When the order is ready, it is dispatched to the client and the client and they can flaunt their patches. Our agency gets into action as soon as the order is received, allowing on-time delivery. We have been recognized for being always punctual with the delivery. Delayed deliveries are out of question. The team strives to get order delivered before the desired deadline. This adds more to our customer experience. Moreover, rush orders are also catered here! If you are short on time, you may speak to our support representative and they’d assure bring a way out for your urgency.

Perks of Working with USA’s Leading Digitizing Makers

When you plan to hire digitizing maker, you come across a swan of options. But audience exactly knows, where to turn around when it comes to quality. The biggest perk of pairing up with us that there’s no compromise made on quality. The rigorous quality check make it very certain that the dispatched products are a true reflection of quality. You get best bang against your money and that’s exactly what matters. Moreover, the customer support is available around the clock to resolve any queries or challenges a client encounters during the order placement or at any stage of the order.

Also, customer’s satisfaction is taken into greatest consideration. Apart from helping them in getting their order placed, customer support team keeps a strict eye on the process, validating everything is happening according to the preference of the client. Hence, one can rely on this service without any doubts. From the beginning of the process, till the final delivery, everything happens smoothly. Not only embroidery is popular, but our vector art service is equally famous in the town. Place your order now, to avail excellent customer service, and immaculate service under one roof.